2022 Summer Style Edit
Summer Style Edit
Ever spent hours looking for the perfect poolside ensemble, just to throw in the towel before you put together an outfit? Yeah, me too. With pool/beach/summer vacation upon us, I've taken the liberty of making things easy for you and compiled a list of all my favorite swoon-worthy summer must-haves to look your most stylish at your next water-side event. I may have hit 'add to cart' one too many times while putting this wish list together but that's how I know it's just too good not to share! Enter your info below and I'll send the entire edit straight to your inbox. Happy shopping!
{% assign formId = 'customer_' | append: 'znid-428071726613' %}
{% form 'customer', id: formId, class: 'zn-newsletter-form' %}
{% if true %}
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{% if '' != '' %}
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Send me the Edit!
{% if form.posted_successfully? %}
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{% elsif form.errors %}
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{% endif %}
{% endform %}